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2020-02-15 来源: 南区居民 原文链接 评论8条

感谢大家齐心合力,踊跃表达民意,强烈反对在 Hurstville 的精英中学 Sydney Technical High旁边建面积达 1988 平米的清真寺 (DA 2019/0644)。感谢州议员 Chris Minns 和市长 Kevin Greene 的帮助,我们终于得到了提交反馈意见的延期消息。本来是 2 月 26 日截止反馈意见后开始评估,现在council 同意在开始评估以后还将继续接收反馈意见。


为了提交最有力的反对意见, 乔治河联合会聚集了几百华洋居民。感谢大家慷慨认捐,我们已经意向签约悉尼颇负盛名的城市规划专家为我们提供专业性指导意见,构建和市政府的联络渠道,以及策划法庭聆讯策略。我们随时可以启动,就等资金到账。

经初步核算,聘请专业团队的费用约为总预算 为 $10,000,包括交通报告,噪音报告,市政规划师。 


捐赠者可将款项存入以下账号,并请在汇款单上注明 ”姓名 Botany” 以便我们记录感谢,中文姓名或者网名可以通过微信 (请扫下图中的二维码入群) 或者电邮发送给我们,电邮地址是: [email protected]

银行:  BankWest 




澳华人区又现清真寺DA!当地民众请愿抵制,网上筹款请律师(组图) - 1

虽然说从反对的角度讲,附近的居民更有发言权, 但是为了引起市议会对民意的注意,和对宗教祭拜场所申请的警觉,我们呼吁每一个居住在Hurstville 附近的居民,都能挺身而出, 为保护自己的家园今天和以后的安宁,发出声音。今天提交这份您的反对意见书, 就是为了预防以后可能出现在您家门口的清真寺,向市议会发出我们居民的预警信号。 

您可以上网提交反对意见,跟希望您在纸张反对信上签字,我们有打印好的表格放在彩虹家私供您填写。彩虹家私 地址是 134 Forest Rd, Hurstville.

网上具体的提交反对意见的方法如下, 在请点击以下的连接,


澳华人区又现清真寺DA!当地民众请愿抵制,网上筹款请律师(组图) - 2

这次申请的清真寺地址是 88-92 Botany Street Carlton NSW 2218. 

申请的DA 号是 DA2019/0644 

以下是标准的反对意见, 如果您没有其他需要说明, 请使用以下意见。

Objection to the development DA2019/0644 

Dear George River council officer and councillors:

My name is: xxxxxxxx, I live in xxxxxxxxx Street, Carlton. As a George River Council rate payer and resident, I am a very worried and extremely concerned resident directly affected by the proposed DA2019/0644. A Mosque on 88-92 Botany Street ISN'T an appropriate site for such a HIGH impact development for a local suburban residential area.

1. It is not in the Public interest. According to Environmental Planning Laws, the public building is required to serve in the Public Interest of the local residents. According to the latest ABS consensus in 2016, only around 3-7% of population are Muslims who live around the Carlton and Hurstville area. This construction of a Mosque obviously does not meet the majority residents’ needs in the area. There is NO BENEFIT to our local or wider community for such a Mosque, not to mention the proximity to other local and near mosques in Wolli Creek, Rockdale, Arncliffe, Tempe, Penshurst, Kingsgrove and Roselands.

2. The operating hours of this Mosque are unacceptably long. The Mosque proposes 7 days prayers 365 days from 5:30 am to 10:00 pm. No other establishment in the local vicinity is allowed to operate within such hours.

3. Traffic and noise impacts during Friday Evening and Ramadan celebrations are unpredictable. Majority of the visitors to the Mosque will be from out of area. According to the existing Research Studies , it is more likely the attendance during the Ramadan will exceed the capacity of the proposed development. The local residents will suffer the safety risk of insufficient and illegal parking as well as the noise made by a whole group of worshippers who could not get into the Mosque.

4. Internal noise levels will be intolerable to nearby residents. The long operating hours must come with long hours of noise that results from cars constantly driving in and out and the gathering of worshippers before, during and after the prayers. In summer season, a lot of the nearby residents leave their doors and windows open, the noise mentioned above would impact the residents even more. Children will not be able to concentrate on homework or study. Families will see a big impact to their daily routine which might cause health issues such as insomnia and depression.

5. Transportation traffic Load. Botany Street is adjoined by Ethel Lane on the west, a narrow 2 way street with the width of only 4.1 – 4.9 meters, for which concerns have already been raised by residents to the council since 2014. We have witnessed many occasions of accidents at the intersection of Ethel Lane and Botany Street, at least once per year. For students walking back home through this narrow street after school, the pedestrian areas are just not wide enough to walk safely. Xenia avenue, the back road of the venue, has its own challenge already with particular hazards when crossing the 2 way narrow road with limited pedestrian area. Botany street has been the thoroughfares for both vehicles and pedestrians used by students, local residents and residents from adjoining communities. The traffic and parking on the roads are already at its maximum capacity. The traffic and parking demand from the mosque as such a large public place of worship would aggravate the traffic load.  

6. Safety to local residents and students of the nearby 4 schools. Botany street is at the heart of four local schools, Sydney Technical High School, Bethany College, St Mary’s Star of the Sea Primary School and Hurstville Public school. A hefty amount of parents send and pickup their children through this place. We’ve seen 2 tragedies of children died from road accidents in the past 5 years from this local community. With the exponential traffic burden introduced by the mosque, we can only expect more. The physiological suffering from seeing these cases by many cannot fade, and the communities are distressed that their own children and family are exposed to higher risks.  

7. The DA has made vague statements and assumptions about impact to local communities. Such assumptions are not supported by facts, and thurs are questionable and unreliable.

As a local resident, I would like to urge you to take our opinions into consideration and reject this proposal.  

Please feel free to contact me via this email if more or further information is requested.

Best Regards,

请大家火速行动, 反对信最好在本月 26 日发出去。

同时也请大家在请愿书上签名: http://chng.it/GwJs6rnVTZ

澳华人区又现清真寺DA!当地民众请愿抵制,网上筹款请律师(组图) - 3


我们要团结一致, 保护家园


乔治河联合会小组委员会 Botany Street Action Group 

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