澳洲“新冠”肺炎确诊病例持续激增。悉尼Ryde市华裔副市长周硕(Simon Zhou)在市议会向联邦政府谏言,却遭遇自由党议员集体离席,导致市议会例会因出席人数不够而被迫取消。
周硕最后告诫联邦政府,“As government, if you leave your people’s health and life at risk, then your economy, your authority, and your position, worth nothing!”(作为政府,如果你让人民的健康和生命处于危险之中,那么你的经济,职权和职位将一文不值!)
Dear Prime Minister,
In these unprecedented times of global uncertainty, Australians are depending on you and the government to take decisive and immediate action to kerb the further spread of COVID19. Proactive - not reactive action - is urgently needed to keep Australians safe and minimise the further spread of this virus.
The local community welcomed the government’s initial action and decision to transfer all incoming passengers from Wuhan to Christmas Island in an effort to prevent the spread of the outbreak. However, as Deputy Mayor and Councillor of Ryde City Council, I and the broader Chinese community, are particularly disappointed with the inadequate and reactive additional measures put in place by you and your government.
The attached graph clearly shows that the immediate and rigorous action taken by both Singapore and Hong Kong governments has greatly reduced the spread of COVID19. Strict quarantining, rigorous contact tracing and rapid school closures have proven effective strategies to contain the Virus. Conversely, the ‘reactive’ and delayed response by other countries, such as Italy and Iran, have resulted in massive spread at around 33% per day. Australia is at risk of this rate of infection if decisive and immediate action is not taken.
Accordingly, I urge you and your government to take the following action to protect Australians:
- Immediate closure of all schools, colleges and universities nationwide to reduce cross contamination of COVID19 for a minimum 2-week period and until health authorities give the ‘all clear’ for education facilities to resume operation
- Strict control of all incoming flights to Australia including travel bans for passengers from known ‘infected’ countries as well as a mandatory quarantine period of 14 days for ALL arrivals to Australia, regardless of place of departure
- Strengthen epidemic prevention measures for public transportation, including mandatory monitoring/recording of body temperature, provision of face masks and hand sanitiser for all passengers
- Require ALL healthcare workers across Australia to wear masks, goggles and other epidemic prevention equipment
- Make public the medical system’s response plan in the event of a serious national outbreak as soon as possible. How will the government manage resources such as ICU beds, ventilators and other medical supplies?
- Announce how and when the government’s ‘virus stimulus package’ will be dispersed within the community including small business eligibility, those on Centrelink payments and other eligible recipients.
I thank you Prime Minister for your leadership and continued attention during this global health crisis. I do hope that you will seriously consider the additional measures outlined in this letter to help protect our great country and its citizens from further spread of COVID19.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Zhou
(记者 Vivian)