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同议员在一起 向Pauline Hanson大声说“No”

2016-07-07 来源: 读者专栏 评论2条

联邦大选投票日刚过,虽然尘埃尚未落定,最让班克斯(Banks)选区大多数华裔选民感到欣慰的是,我们所支持的高民(David Coleman)议员成功获得连任。 他由衷地表示2013年当选联邦国会议员已经是他莫大的荣幸,如今能够连任更加意义重大。


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回忆过去的几周时间,无论选前或之后,我们的好市围(Hurstville)作为全澳最大的华人社区, 都得到了前所未有的关注。先是作为Banks和Barton选区的提前投票点,在将近三周的助选拉票过程中,既有恶意散布谣言“Medicare 私有化”,也有通过社交媒体污蔑我们的团队;黔驴技穷之下,更有捏造证据投诉报警的,狗血剧不断上演。但我们的义工团体顶住了压力,他们对待选民彬彬有礼,耐心解释,展现了良好的素质,更赢得了大众的认可和支持。

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近日叫嚣的最起劲的莫过于一国党(One Nation)的极端反亚言论,其中我们好市围更是“榜上有名”。我认为任何一个有社会责任感的主流党派和政治家都不会与他们为伍。而对于一国党丑陋的恶意指责可能带来的社会仇恨和分裂, 高民联邦议员,库尔州议员和我本人连同我们华人社区深表愤慨和抗议,并坚定地大声地说“No”。不争的事实是,多元文化是我们国家的主要优势之一,它所取得的成绩有目共睹。好市围就是最有说服力的例子。这里是澳大利亚最具活力的城市之一, 在此居住的华裔居民在商业、医疗、教育、艺术以及其他众多领域对社会都作出了巨大的贡献。我们的居民对多元文化有着切身的体会,并深知其价值所在,因为它能创造了一个更和谐和更包容的社会。

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当话题回到我们自己的社区时,大家应该注意到好市围和高嘉华市政府从今年五月中旬已正式合并成了新的Georges River Council。我非常荣幸有机会从2008年开始担任市议员的工作。我会一如既往的在现今过渡架构和将来新的结构中发挥作用,更好的为社区服务。 

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前好市围市政府市议员、副市长 刘娜心太平绅士


今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
Nini Nini
Nini Nini 2023-07-21 回复
Hanson was born Pauline Lee Seccombe on 27 May 1954 in Woolloongabba, Queensland. She was the fifth of seven children (and the youngest daughter) to John Alfred "Jack" Seccombe and Hannorah Alousius Mary "Norah" Seccombe (née Webster). She first received schooling at Buranda Girls' School, later attending Coorparoo State School in Coorparoo until she ended her education at age 15, shortly before her first marriage and pregnancy. Jack and Norah Seccombe owned a fish and chip shop in Ipswich, Queensland, in which Hanson and her siblings worked from a young age, preparing meals and taking orders. At an older age, she assisted her parents with more administrative work in bookkeeping and sales ledgering. Hanson worked at Woolworths before working in the office administration of Taylors Elliotts Ltd, a subsidiary of Drug Houses of Australia (now Bickford's Australia), where she handled clerical bookkeeping and secretarial work. She left Taylors Elliotts during her first pregnancy. In 1978, Hanson (then Pauline Zagorski) met Mark Hanson, a tradesman on Queensland's Gold Coast. They married in 1980 and established a construction business specialising in roof plumbing. Hanson handled the administrative components of the company, similar to her work with Taylors Elliotts, while her hu**and dealt with practical labour. In 1987, the couple divorced and the company was liquidated. She moved back to Ipswich and worked as a barmaid at what was then Booval Bowls Club. Hanson then bought a fish and chip shop with a new business partner Morrie Marsden. They established the holding company Marsden Hanson Pty Ltd and began operations from their recently opened fish and chip shop in Silkstone, a suburb of Ipswich. Hanson and Marsden both shared the administrative responsibilities of the company, but Hanson took on additional practical responsibilities, including buying supplies and produce for the shop and preparing the food, which was among many things that contributed to her notoriety during her first political campaign. Over time, Hanson acquired full control of the holding company, which was sold upon her election to Parliament in 1996.。。。实在读不下去了……😅劝她先去读点书,再说
土澳居民ZibUh 2016-07-07 回复

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