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2016-10-09 来源: 澳洲福建乡情 评论0条

澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会塔斯马尼亚分会的正式揭幕仪式於2016年10月7日在塔斯马尼亚州府霍巴特的州议会举行。仪式场馆、设施午餐全部由塔斯马尼亚议会提供,并由议会议长EliseArcher為这次75人参加的宴请作东。澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会林锦姍会长率20名会员专程从悉尼前来参加仪式。参加仪式的还有塔斯马尼亚分会徐哲会长、分会会员,前州长澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会塔州分会荣誉主席DouglasLowe, 澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会塔州分会荣誉永久顾问AnthonyHope先生, 艺术部长Vanessa Goodwin女士。澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会永久荣誉顾问陈星惠医生,霍巴特市副市长RonChristie,智及宗长及弟子, 艺术顾问陈平,文化顾问潘昌铀,社区顾问Jan Everett也出席了开幕式。

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The official ceremony for the opening of Australian Fujian Association Tasmania (AFA Tasmania) was hosted by Tasmanian House of Assembly, in Hobart, Tasmania on 7 October, 2016. Madam Elise Archer, Speaker of the TasmanianHouse of Assembly hosted the ceremony including a lunch attended by 75 people. Leading by AFA President Josephine Lam, 20 AFA members from Sydney attended the ceremony along with their AFA Tasmanian colleagues led by Mr Jason Xu, Executive Chairman AFA Tasmania. Tasmania dignitaries including Madam Speaker Elise Archer, former Premier Mr Douglas Lowe, Minister of Arts Ms Vanessa Goodwin, Hobart Deputy Lord Mayor Ron Christie, Master Zhiji and his disciples, AFA Arts Advisor Mr Ping Chen, AFA Culture Advisor Ms Chang You Pan and AFA Community Advisor Jan Everett attended the ceremony. Dr Van Tan AFA Permanent Honorary Advisorattended the ceremony. 

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开幕仪式首先由议会议长Elise Archer女士作主旨演讲。作演讲的还有澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会林锦姍会长,前州长澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会塔州分会荣誉主席Douglas Lowe, 澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会塔州分会荣誉永久顾问Anthony Hope 先生, 艺术部长Vanessa Goodwin。

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The ceremony began with a keynote speech by Madam Speaker Elise Archer, the host of the ceremony, followed by speeches by President Josephine Lam, Premier Douglas Lowe, Patron of AFA Tasmania, Mr Anthony Hope,Chief Advisor of AFA Tasmania, and Arts Minister Vanessa Goodwin. 

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澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会塔斯马尼亚分会会长徐哲先生在他的就职演讲中感谢澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会会长、同仁、政要和其他来宾,并期待对為增进福建/塔州姐妹省际关係的前景作出贡献。澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会林我宏副会长宣读了来自福建省外办、福建省侨办的贺信。黄小洪副会长会长宣读了来自以下政要对澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会塔州分会成立的贺信:塔州州长Will Hodgman,塔州副州长Jeremy Rockliff, 塔州经济发展和能源部部长Matthew Groom. 澳大利亚前副总理Anthony Albanese MP,塔州参议员Eric Abetz和David Bushby, 以及塔州发展能源环境绿地及文物保护部长Mathew Groom。澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会秘书长胡宇城博士引导了仪式议程。

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Mr Jason Xu, AFA Tasmania Executive Chairman, delivered aninaugural speech thanking AFA President, AFA colleagues and the dignitaries for attending the opening ceremony, and looked forward to contributing to the future of strengthening the sister state relationship between Fujian and Tasmania. AFA Vice President Mr David Lin read out congratulation letters from the Fujian Foreign Affairs Office and the Fujian Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. AFA Vice President Ms Hong Huang read out congratulation letters from Australian dignitaries including the Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman,Tasmanian Deputy Premier Jeremy Rockliff, Mr Anthony Albanese MP, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, Tasmania Senators Eric Abetz and David Bushby and Mathew Groom Minister for State Growth, Energy, Environment, and Parksand Heritage. AFA secretary General Dr Jonathon Hu of Western Sydney University administered the agenda of the ceremony.

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接下来,澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会一行应市长 Sue Hickey、副市长Ron Christie之邀访问了市政厅,并就发展议题交换了意见。随后,澳大利亚福建乡情联谊会同仁,以及智及宗长聚集一堂,在霍巴特著名的餐馆享受了塔斯马尼亚美食。

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AFA members exchanged developmental views and gifts at the Hobart City Council by invitation of Deputy Mayor Ron Christie, Mayor Sue Hickey. The AFA community including the members in Tasmania and from Sydney,along with Madam Speaker Elise Archer and Master Xinde Wang enjoyed thedelicious Tasmanian food over a dinner at a famous Hobart restaurant.

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