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China will continue to help African countries overcome the impact of the pandemic

2021-08-06 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

China will continue to help African countries overcome the impact of the pandemic - 1

(Screenshot from Waltainfo)

China will continue to help African countries overcome the impact of the pandemic, seek a long-term way to achieve sustainable development, and work together to build a closer community of shared future for China and Africa, Chen Xufeng, Chargé d’Affaires a. i. of Mission of China to the African Union said an article published by the Waltainfo news site.

According to the information from Mission of China to AU, COVID-19 origin tracing should be studied as a serious and scientific issue without any politicization. Constant and long term origin tracing studies on a global scale in a sound manner should be actively promoted, he added.

Read mpre: https://waltainfo.com/china-vows-to-fortify-support-to-africa/

[责任编辑: WPY ]

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