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2021-09-29 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


鸡肝石按润度分为油料, 形状好的可做天然观赏石,也无需雕刻。韧性非常强,抛光效果好,质量好的可做雕件 。



精品鉴赏-鸡肝玛瑙 - 1

精品鉴赏-鸡肝玛瑙 - 2

As the favorite of the jade industry, chicken liver stone has a growing market and value. So what is chicken liver stone? Chicken liver stone is a natural stone with the same color as chicken liver. It is also called chicken liver agate. It is a kind of chalcedony containing mineral impurities such as clay and iron oxide.

Chicken liver stone is divided into oil according to its moistening degree. Those with good shape can be used as natural ornamental stones without carving. It has very strong toughness, good polishing effect and can be used as carving parts with good quality.

2. Color. As the name suggests, chicken liver stone is a kind of pigment with color like chicken liver pattern and good stone. But in fact, the chicken liver stone is rich in color, not so single as the name. There are also mixed colors, some in the shape of spots and some in the shape of patterns.

appearance. Chicken liver stone is a typical rare stone. Its shape and appearance are very important. Its shape is unique, full of poetry and painting, high lubrication and good gloss, especially dry materials. Therefore, chicken liver stone is very worthy of your possession.

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