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丽泽轩 | 百年陶瓷 艺术品牌

2022-03-22 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

丽泽轩 | 百年陶瓷 艺术品牌 - 1



Lize Xuan was founded in 1920, has a history of more than 100 years, is now based on the beautiful environment of Jingdezhen Changnan Lake, the company space of nearly 1,000 square meters, decoration light luxury, elegant tone Lize Xuan has been committed to the production of fine art ceramics, to promote the ceramic culture as their own responsibility, the government and the community of the wide support, to create and accumulated countless spiritual and material wealth.

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Over the decades, with the change of the country's economic situation, Lize Xuan has undergone several changes. With the fate of the country, it hasexperienced prosperity, but also encountered difficulties and bad luck. No matter in what kind of difficult environment, it adheres to the purpose of carrying forward Chinese ceramic culture and creating a window of Chinese traditional culture ceramic art facing the world.

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Lize Xuan cultivated in the jingdezhen porcelain arts and crafts field for one hundred years, although there are sections and Spaces, but lize Xuan brand has been adhere to have been adhering to lize Xuan also never left the Jingdezhen porcelain vein looking back at one hundred years, Lize Xuan was founded is focused on the inheritance and innovation of jingdezhen traditional craft In the new era, Lize Xuan has been inheriting the culture of Jingdezhen porcelain and the essence of Jingdezhen porcelain for decades, carrying on the past and looking forward to the future.

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Lize Xuan people will seriously consider why we come here. What kind of objects were they made. How to get better and better. Lize Xuan brand has sustainable development of social attention heat flow. Li Ze xuan can produce brand value and commercial value in the current Jingdezhen ceramic industry. Lize xuan people believe that the core of value is to create value. Lize Xuan all colleagues plan out the first ten years of the plan, as the first stage of the periodic law do not forget the original intention, always. The century-old ceramic art brand Lize Xuan to do better.

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百年陶瓷 艺术品牌

Century-old ceramic art brand

丽泽轩 | 百年陶瓷 艺术品牌 - 12

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