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2022-04-12 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

我的名字叫邦德...詹姆斯邦德。仅仅提及这个名字就唤起了奢华,诱惑,出国秘密任务,优雅的小工具以及神话般的女性的世界。都彭公司从这位著名的特工中汲取灵感,创造出结合了优雅和尖端技术的独特创新产品的卓越版本。此版本的灵感来自詹姆斯·邦德的枪支,著名的“ WALTER PPK”及其子弹,几乎在所有产品上都有复制。詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)产品结合了独特的设计,包括钻石尖头图案,灵感源自扳机的显着扭索饰以及磨砂或缎面黑色或钯金PVD的细腻饰面。 该系列几乎所有文章中都包含小工具:激光笔,时区和迷你灯增强了各种产品。my name is bond…James Bond.The mere mention of this name evokes a universe of luxury,seduction,secret missions abroad,elegant gadgets,as well as fabulous women.Dupont has drawn its inspiration from the most famous secret agent of all to create an exceptional edition of unique and innovative objects combining elegance and cutting-edge technology.this edition is inspired by james bond'sfirearm,the famous "WALTER PPK"and its bullet,reproduced on almost all the products.The james Bond products combine a unique design,including the diamond tip motif,remarkable guilloche work inspired by the trigger,and subtle finishes in brusheed or satin black or palladium PVD.New functions,worthy of Q,the ingenious inventor of all the James Bond gadgets have been included in nearly all the articles in this series:laser pointers,time zones,and a mini lamp enhance the various products.

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