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开幕回顾 Event Review | 平凡之下 ENTER THE ORDINARY

2022-07-07 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


A space within the Ordinary.

Mateja presents two series of works: A Portrait of the Ordinary, and (Un)Balanced. The former is an exploration of our busy, media-saturated lives characterized by an absence of awareness and lack of attention. The latter is a visual autoethnography; a search for solace in troubling times. Respectively, both showcase the artist’s reflections around ordinary, everyday life in visual language.

Mateja's works transcend cultural singularities, and presents a critical approach for the audience to consider. At the same time, this opus of works leaves room for everyone to work through their own perspectives. We are looking forward to your discovery.

《平凡之下》 开幕现场

Exhibition Event Scene

策展人刘丽君与H Gallery艺术总监于恒


Curator Liu Lijun and Art Director Michael Yu speaks

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