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高定与烈酒的碰撞!DFS与轩尼诗合作推出Hennessy X.O x Kim Jones系列

2023-03-22 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


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DFE | 免税资讯

全球领先的奢侈品旅游零售商被指定为线下零售商,通过DFS的全球门店网络推出轩尼诗X.O x Kim Jones系列。该系列是由DFS与轩尼诗(hennessy)合作,推出的与设计大师Kim Jones合作的干邑品牌。这种干邑和高定时装的大胆结合,是首次跨品类的大胆结合,展示了这两大品牌在设计、奢侈品和整个文化领域不可置疑的影响力。

轩尼诗X.O x Kim Jones

轩尼诗备受瞩目的三件套系列由世界著名的英国艺术总监Kim Jones设计,于3月17日在DFS旗下澳门T广场新濠天地举办的的第11届DFS葡萄酒及烈酒大师展上向DFS顾客揭开面纱。

此次合作将【轩尼诗X.O 150周年珍藏版】与Kim Jones的创意交织在一起,以一只可收藏的运动鞋、杰作醒酒器和限量版瓶子为特色——所有这些都体现了两个标志性品牌的融合,科学、设计、手工工艺和对历史的歌颂得到了体现。

Kim Jones设计的可收藏运动鞋

Kim Jones从早期的篮球鞋中获得灵感创造了HNY LOW by Kim Jones,这是一款用牛皮制作的浅白兰地色运动鞋。Kim Jones说:“我希望它高贵而别致,既能反映干邑的悠久传统,又能反映我自己的设计价值观。”他还把轩尼诗X.O瓶的曲线搬到了这款运动鞋上。“我希望带给人一种在看瓶子的感觉,这是一杯以运动鞋形式出现的干邑。”这款运动鞋将在澳门和DFS洛杉矶机场的门店入口展出。

Kim Jones



轩尼诗X.O x Kim Jones系列面向北美和澳门的DFS客户销售,配有第三个也是最后一个元素——铝制玻璃瓶,再次突显了轩尼诗瓶中标志性的曲线和流体之美。这个标志性的产品也可以单独购买。

该活动将在DFS的旅游零售网络中展开,包括在La Samaritaine、DFS的北美的干邑高定精品店以及澳门新濠天地DFS的T广场开展活动。

DFS集团销售总裁Christophe Marque表示:“我们非常兴奋和荣幸能够成为独家线下奢侈旅游零售来推出轩尼诗x.o.x Kim Jones系列,它描绘了干邑和高定中复杂的工艺。我们也很高兴能够向我们的客户提供每一件藏品,从杰作醒酒器,限量版瓶子到可收藏的运动鞋。作为一个多品类的零售商,我们拥有接触烈酒和时尚的鉴赏家的平台,他们将为见证这种千载难逢的合作关系而感到兴奋。"

Moët轩尼诗亚太区全球旅游零售和私人销售总裁Laurent Boidevezi表示:“轩尼诗X.O和Kim Jones是对创造力和颠覆性的精致呈现。该系列展示了两个世界最好的东西——世界闻名的轩尼诗X.O干邑和由英国艺术总监Kim Jones精心制作的尖端高定。这标志着设计师首次与烈酒品牌合作,展示了轩尼诗和Kim Jones在设计、奢侈品和整个文化领域不可置疑的影响力。”



作为一家私营公司,DFS集团由全球最大的奢侈品集团公司酩悦•轩尼诗-路易•威登集团(LVMH)和DFS创始人及股东Robert Miller共同拥有。DFS集团员工总数超过5,000人,专注为顾客创造非同凡响的全渠道购物体验。DFS总部设于中国香港,在澳大利亚、柬埔寨、中国大陆、法国、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、中国澳门、新西兰、新加坡、阿联酋、美国及越南均设有办公室。

关于DFS T广场


关于Kim Jones

Kim Jones 1979年出生于伦敦,但在三个月大的时候,他和家人一起前往厄瓜多尔。随后,童年时期他经常会在世界各地旅行,包括在非洲(埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚和博茨瓦纳)和加勒比地区,经常回到伦敦的家。


Jones就读于伦敦著名的中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院,在那里他获得了男装硕士学位。他的毕业秀被媒体广泛报道,这使他推出了自己的同名品牌,并于2003年在伦敦时装周上推出了第一个系列。随后,他担任了英国高街运动品牌Umbro的设计师。这是英国第一次有新锐的年轻设计师与大众男装品牌合作,这次合作非常受欢迎。琼斯随后为英国的Topman、Mulberry、Alexander McQueen、Alfred Dunhill等品牌设计,在这些品牌中,他将自己的高级时尚和街头风格融合到经典的英国男装中。

琼斯于2011年加入路易威登,担任男装艺术总监,并于2018年1月推出了他的最后一个系列。2018年3月,琼斯被任命为迪奥男装成衣和配饰系列的艺术总监。他的第一个系列于2018年6月在巴黎男装周期间展出。2020年9月,Kim Jones被任命为FENDI高级定制和女装艺术总监,他的首个系列“2021春夏高级定制”于2021年1月在巴黎展出。


作为干邑领域的领导者,250多年来,轩尼诗以其卓越的技艺享誉全球。秉承创始人理查德·轩尼诗(Richard Hennessy)的征服精神,该品牌目前在160多个国家开展业务。轩尼诗位于夏朗特地区的中心地带,也是该地区经济的坚实支柱。庄园的成功和长寿源于其卓越的干邑,每一款干邑都是在一代又一代的独特传承过程中诞生的。作为首个通过ISO 14001认证的烈酒坊,轩尼诗将其创新能力和所有合作伙伴的支持结合在一起,以保护这一特殊领域。作为LVMH集团皇冠上的一颗明珠,轩尼诗是法国国际贸易的主要贡献者,99%的产品用于出口,是法国生活艺术的全球大使。




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DFSGroup (DFS), the world’s leading luxury travel retailer, is delighted to be named the offline travel retailer to launch the Hennessy X.O x Kim Jones collection through DFS’ global store network.The collection is a cognac brand created by DFS in collaboration with hennessy, in collaboration with design Kim Jones.

This bold marriage of cognac and couture, a first of its kind across categories, demonstrates the undeniable impact both powerhouses have had in the world of design, luxury and culture as a whole.

Hennessy’s highly coveted three-piece collection has been designed by world renowned British Artistic Director Kim Jones and will be unveiled to DFS customers at its 11th annual DFS Masters of Wines and Spirits, held in T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of Dreams on March 17, 2023.

Interweaving the richness of Hennessy X.O’s 150-year heritage with Kim Jones’ creative vision, the collaboration features a collectible sneaker, a masterpiece decanter and limited-edition bottle – all of which exemplify the merging of two iconic houses where science, design, artisanal craftmanship and an ode to heritage is celebrated in the finest manner.

Taking inspiration from the early basketball shoe, Kim Jones has created the HNY LOW by Kim Jones, a light cognac-colored sneaker crafted from nubuck leather. “I wanted it to be elevated and chic, to reflect both the long heritage of cognac and my own design values,” says the designer, who also transposed the curves of the Hennessy X.O bottle onto the sneaker. “I wanted it to feel like you’re almost looking into the bottle. It’s a glass of cognac in sneaker form.” The sneakers will be on display in Macau and DFS Los Angeles Airport’s store entrance.

The Masterpiece Decanter is a sculptural piece of work that features a gradient blend of cognac shades and pairs 3D printing technology with hand crafted excellence. It comes with a specially developed titanium casing that acts as a second skin – evoking the same effect draping has to couture, while simultaneously mirroring the way Hennessy bottles used to be carefully encased in delicate tissue paper to protect its content during transportation. With only 200 pieces available worldwide, five Masterpiece Decanters will be on display at T Galleria by DFS retail outlets in Macau.


Available to DFS customers in North America and Macau, the Hennessy X.O x Kim Jones collection comes complete with the third and final element – a carafe encased in aluminum that once again, highlights the iconic curves and fluid beauty found within a Hennessy bottle. This landmark representation of legacy is also available for purchase separately.

The campaign will be rolled out across the DFS travel retail network with an activation at La Samaritaine and at the travel retailer’s cognac meets couture boutique installations across North America and at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of Dreams.

Christophe Marque, President Merchandising, DFS Group says: “We are tremendously excited and honored to be the exclusive offline luxury travel retail destination to unveil the Hennessy X.O. x Kim Jones sneaker, in what depicts the intricate craftsmanship found within cognac and couture. We are also delighted to be able to provide access to every piece of the collection to our customers, from the Masterpiece Decanter, limited edition bottle to the collectible sneaker. As a multi-category retailer, we have the platform to reach connoisseurs of both spirits and fashion, who will be thrilled to witness this once in a lifetime partnership.”

Laurent Boidevezi, President Moët Hennessy Asia Pacific, Global Travel Retail & Private Sales, says: “Hennessy X.O and Kim Jones is an exquisite celebration of creativity and disruption. The collection demonstrates the best of both worlds – the world-renowned cognac making of Hennessy X.O and the cutting-edge couture crafted by British Artistic Director, Kim Jones. It marks the first time that the designer has partnered with a spirits brand, demonstrating the undeniable impact both Hennessy and Kim Jones have had in the world of design, luxury and culture as a whole.”

About DFS Group

DFS Group is the world’s leading luxury travel retailer. Established in Hong Kong in 1960, DFS Group continues to be a pioneer in global luxury travel retail, offering its customers a carefully curated selection of exceptional products from over 750 of the most desired brands. Its network consists of 56 duty free stores located in 14 major global airports and 24 downtown Galleria locations on four continents, as well as affiliate and resort locations. The Group is privately held and majority owned by the world’s largest luxury conglomerate, Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), alongside DFS co-founder and shareholder Robert Miller. DFS Group employs more than 5,000 people focused on creating inspiring omnichannel retail experiences for its customers and is headquartered in Hong Kong with offices in Australia, Cambodia, China, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macau, New Zealand, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United States of America and Vietnam.

About T Galleria by DFS

T Galleria by DFS is the ultimate evolution of the original travel retail concept pioneered by DFS Group. The first downtown store opened in 1968 in Hong Kong, followed shortly thereafter by Honolulu and eventually expanding to 24 locations all over the world. Today, T Galleria by DFS has a presence in the United States of America, as well as across Asia, Europe, Oceania and the South Pacific regions. Linked to the notion of travel through the use of T for the Traveler, the brand stands for what customers have come to expect: an expertly curated assortment of the world’s preferred luxury brands, exceptional retail environments, highly personalized services and unique experiences tailored to their specific needs as travelers. T Galleria by DFS enables travelers to realize their individual style, one journey at a time.

About Kim Jones

Kim Jones was born in London in 1979, but by the age of three months he was already heading with his family to Ecuador. An itinerant childhood followed, including stays throughout Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Botswana) and the Caribbean, with frequent stops back home in London.

By the age of fourteen, Jones knew he wanted a creative career and he considered graphics and photography before discovering that fashion was: “something I could build a world around.”

Jones attended London’s prestigious Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design where he obtained an MA in Menswear. His graduation show was covered extensively by the press which convinced him to launch his eponymous brand and the first collection was presented at London Fashion week in 2003. A stint as designer for British high street sportswear brand Umbro followed. This was the first time a cutting-edge young designer took on a mass menswear brand in the UK and the collaboration was very well received. Jones followed with design for Britain’s Topman, Mulberry, Alexander McQueen, Alfred Dunhill and others, where he injected his own vibrant mix of high fashion and street style into classic English menswear.

Jones joined Louis Vuitton in 2011 as Men’s Artistic Director and presented his last collection in January 2018. In March 2018, Jones is appointed as Artistic Director of Dior for the Men’s Ready-to-Wear and Accessory Collections. His first collection was presented in June 2018, during the Paris Men’s Fashion Week. In September 2020 Kim Jones is appointed Artistic Director of Couture and Womenswear for FENDI and his debut collection, Couture Spring/Summer 2021, was presented in Paris in January 2021.

About Hennessy

The leader in Cognac, the Maison Hennessy has shone around the world with its exceptional know-how for more than 250 years. Built on founder Richard Hennessy’s spirit of conquest, the brand is present in more than 160 countries. Based in the heart of the Charente region, Hennessy is also a steadfast pillar of the regional economy. The Maison’s success and longevity are rooted in the excellence of its cognacs, each of which is born of a unique process of transmission of know-how from generation to generation. The first spirits Maison to be certified ISO 14001, Hennessy unites its capacity for innovation and the support of all of its partners to protect this exceptional area. As a crown jewel of the LVMH Group, Hennessy is a major contributor to French international trade, with 99% of production sold in export, and a worldwide ambassador for the French art de vivre.


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