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南渚山房 南亚东南亚造像艺术专栏:妙喜世界

2024-01-19 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条



南渚山房 刘冬



《Southeast asia buddhist art sumatra&java suculptre 2022》






Buddha Sitting Statue East Java

8-9th century

Material: alloy copper

Size: 13cm high


东爪哇 (公元8-9世纪)


尺寸:高 13厘米




此尊造像在南渚山房 《Southeast asia buddhist art sumatra&java suculptre 2022》东南亚佛像苏门答腊与爪哇雕塑著录,P136

Oriental Immortal Buddha, also known as Akshabhya Buddha and Sanskrit Sound Akshabhya, also known as Immortal Tathagata, translates immobility, no anger, no hatred. The Sutra of the Buddha Kingdom says: Buddha Akira is the leader of the Oriental Wonderful World, and the Tantric Sect regards him as the Five Wise Tathagatas of the Vajra Realm who live in the East. It is the supreme Buddha of Buddhism Tantrism, and the Buddha of the highest level of Tantrism. All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Tantric Sect come from the Great Sun Tathagata, the fundamental Buddha of the Buddhist Tantric Sect world, which occupies the central position and commands all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas;

This is a statue work in East Java, which inherits the Gupta Sarnat style of India in its artistic style; The Immortal Tathagata's bun is conical, his face is round, his eyes droop, his smile looks like a child, his right shoulder is covered with cassock, his body is thick, and his right hand is stroked on his knee. What is more distinctive is that his right index finger is slightly bent, and he does not touch the bottom seal. This is the early feature of Gupta's art. His left hand is tied with a Zen seal, and he sits on the lotus platform with all his hands folded. The lotus platform is small and large, and the first layer is the lotus core, The second layer of upside down lotus petal is wide, the petal tip is cocked up, and it is staggered from top to bottom. The bottom layer encircles the feet. It is thick and the skin is warm.

The Naranta Buddha on the right of Chittagong Museum in Bangladesh is the same as this one. The only difference is that the statue in Chittagong has a suspended lotus platform base, and the backlight is incomplete. It is positioned from the 8th to the 9th century


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