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Hiring receptionist and dental assistant 招聘一牙医诊所前台加护士

更新时间 2024-06-28 浏览量 2590次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Campsie Family Dental
工作性质 兼职
经验要求 不限
学历要求 不限
签证要求 不限
性别要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 老板人好,团队友善,离车站近
公司地址 Level 1, Office 5/281 Beamish St.
联系人 campsie牙科
联系我时请说明是在 今日珀斯看到的,谢谢!


Campsie Family Dental is hiring now! This vacancy may request you someday in receptionist role and someday as dental nurse. Related working experience is a preference but not a must. We are happy to offer the training opportunity to the one who is suitable for this position. Will be possible to work on Sundays. P.S.: must speak fluently both in Chinese Manderin and English. Must working on weekends.If anyone is interested in this position please email the resume to: [email protected] After reviewing resumes we will contact you for interview to talk about the job in details. Looking forward to receiving your resumes. Thank you.


招聘牙科诊所前台及护士: 由于我们诊所扩张需要招聘一名前台及牙医助理,必须要中文,英文流利,有工作经验优先,但不是必须条件,我们会对合适的人员提供岗位培训机会。工作时间必须可以周六,周日工作。 有兴趣的请发简至:[email protected] 收到简历后,我们会联系安排面试以详谈工作细节。谢谢!
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