强烈谴责联盟党参议员Barry O’Sullivan的种族主义言论
Statement on Racist Commentby Coalition Senator Barry O’Sullivan
Labor Member for Strathfield, Jodi McKay, and Labor Member for Kogarah, Chris Minns,strongly condemn the comments made by National Party Senator Barry O’Sullivan during Senate Estimate hearings.
工党Strathfield选区州议员Jodi McKay、工党高嘉华Kogarah选区州议员柯民思 ChrisMinns,共同强烈谴责国家党参议员Barry O'Sullivan在参议院估算听证会上发表的言论。
The Senator used racially derogatory language during estimate exchanges, including the useof the word “Chinaman.”
Use of the phrase “some bloody old Chinaman” is an example of the casual racism that tears apart our multicultural communities.
We represent two of the most ethnically diverse communities in NSW, with around a quarter ofour citizens having a Chinese heritage. We support our local communities – and will call out racism in all its forms.
我们代表的是新南威尔士州两个最多元化民族的社区,大约四分之一的公民有华裔背景。我们支持我们的本地社区--- 并且反对任何形式的种族主义。
The language he used is completely and utterly unacceptable in modern Australian society andshould be condemned in the strongest terms.
The clear implication of his statement was that a person of Chinese heritage couldsomehow, single handily, be responsible for breaching Australia’s bio security laws, which is an outrageous and offensive proposition.
他的陈述清晰地暗示了,一位华裔背景的人士可能不知何故地、无意中违犯了澳大利亚的生物安全法律, 这是个非常粗暴的、冒犯性的命题。
It’s as if this Liberal / National Party Senator wants to smash our booming trade and tourism industry by tarnishing Australia’s well-deserved reputation forfriendly, open, acceptance of visitors from China.
Mediacontact: Jodi McKay 9747 1711 orChris Minns 9587 9684
媒体联系:Jodi McKay 9747 1711 或 Chris Minns 9587 9684