夏日炎炎,盖被子实在太难了。全盖热得慌,不盖怕生病。但不管怎么样,盖被子的底线是把肚子遮住。话题#中国人骨子里的盖被子基因#也登上热搜。In Chinese culture, there is a deep-rooted belief that even the healthiest individuals should never leave their belly button uncovered. This curious tradition has garnered significant attention online.
Many assert that, regardless of the scorching heat, they must protect their belly buttons at all costs. Some even playfully claim that if stranded on a deserted island without any clothing, they would still find a way to shield their belly buttons, even if it means using a simple leaf.
Your belly button (the navel) is simply a scar or remnant of the umbilical cord that connected you to your mother. The umbilical cord provides oxygen and nutrition to a baby during pregnancy, and it is cut and removed after birth, leaving a scar.
As the final closing point of the abdominal wall during embryonic development, the skin over the belly button has the thinnest epidermal layer and the weakest barrier function. Moreover, there are no muscles or fat tissues underneath. Additionally, it is in close proximity to abundant nerve endings and nerve plexus, making it particularly sensitive to external stimuli and a relatively vulnerable area in the human body, requiring special protection.
Therefore, it is scientifically sound for Chinese people to be cautious about protecting the belly button. The belly button area is especially susceptible to the invasion of cold winds, even in the hot summer, there is a risk of catching a cold. If one doesn't pay attention to keeping the abdomen warm and exposes the belly button directly to air conditioning or fans, the cold air can easily enter the body through the belly button, leading to diarrhea, stomach upset, and for women, even painful menstruation.
美国睡眠基金会(sleep foundation)曾发表一篇文章称,睡觉时在身上盖上一条厚被子,有助于减轻压力,促进平静,提高睡眠质量。躺在厚被子里就像被拥抱着,或是像婴儿在襁褓中一样。轻柔而温暖的压力有助于减轻疲倦,改善失眠者、焦虑者或是自闭症患者的睡眠。
Many people find that adding a weighted blanket to their sleep routine helps to reduce stress and promote calm. In the same way as a hug or a baby's swaddle, the gentle pressure of a weighted blanket may help ease symptoms and improve sleep for people with insomnia, anxiety, or autism.
The practice of covering the belly and keeping the feet warm when sleeping is suggested to keep healthy according to traditional Chinese medicine.
来源:生命时报 新德里电视台 美国睡眠基金会 美国医药网