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Co-cultivation of rice and frogs succeeds in central China's Hunan Province

2021-08-17 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

Co-cultivation of rice and frogs succeeds in central China's Hunan Province - 1

Photo taken on Aug. 13, 2021 shows farmers checking the growth of rice and dark-spotted frogs at the ecological planting and breeding base in Shanshu Village, Yangquan Town, Changning City, central China's Hunan Province. In recent years, the city has promoted the development of "rice and frog co-cultivation", "rice and fish co-cultivation" and other three-dimensional comprehensive planting and breeding models to improve the comprehensive utilization of farmland, and increase production and income. (Zhou Xiuyu/Guangming Picture)

Co-cultivation of rice and frogs succeeds in central China's Hunan Province - 2

Photo taken on Aug. 13, 2021 shows farmers checking the growth of rice and dark-spotted frogs at the ecological planting and breeding base in Shanshu Village, Yangquan Town, Changning City, central China's Hunan Province. In recent years, the city has promoted the development of "rice and frog co-cultivation", "rice and fish co-cultivation" and other three-dimensional comprehensive planting and breeding models to improve the comprehensive utilization of farmland, and increase production and income. (Zhou Xiuyu/Guangming Picture)

Co-cultivation of rice and frogs succeeds in central China's Hunan Province - 3

Photo taken on Aug. 13, 2021 shows farmers checking the growth of rice and dark-spotted frogs at the ecological planting and breeding base in Shanshu Village, Yangquan Town, Changning City, central China's Hunan Province. In recent years, the city has promoted the development of "rice and frog co-cultivation", "rice and fish co-cultivation" and other three-dimensional comprehensive planting and breeding models to improve the comprehensive utilization of farmland, and increase production and income. (Zhou Xiuyu/Guangming Picture)

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