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2022-03-03 来源: ZAKER 原文链接 评论0条

据中国常驻联合国代表团官网消息,3 月 2 日,中国常驻联合国代表张军在联合国安理会审议阿富汗问题会议上发言。

张军指出,在阿富汗严峻的人道和经济形势下,美国政府上个月决定将其冻结的 70 亿美元阿富汗资产挪作他用,引发阿富汗多地发生游行抗议。依据国内法管辖随意处置他国海外资产的做法既没有先例,也侵犯了阿富汗国家主权和财产,严重违反国际法。

"Under such a grim humanitarian and economic situation, the US Government decided last month to divert the frozen $7 billion worth of Afghan assets for other purposes, triggering protests and demonstrations in many parts of Afghanistan. These assets belong to the Afghan people and to the sovereign state of Afghanistan. The practice of arbitrarily handling other countries’ overseas assets under domestic law has no precedent. It is a breach of Afghanistan’s national sovereignty and property, and is a serious contravention of international law."


"These assets are the only few available assets owned by Afghanistan, and are crucial to the stable order and development of the country. For the Afghan people, these assets are their life-saving money and their hope for survival. When the Afghan people need it the most, the ruthless freezing or misappropriation of these assets is a secondary injury to them, and is completely against due spirit of morality and justice."


"Returning other people's money in full is not a virtue of generosity, but a matter of course. Paying back half and deducting half of other people's money is not gifting, but stealing. This is the simplest truth. What the US did is neither legal nor reasonable nor humane. China once again calls on the relevant countries to immediately and unconditionally return these assets to the Afghan people in full, and not to make things worse, let alone apply double standards on humanitarian issues."


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