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2015-09-22 来源: 今日澳洲App 评论0条

澳洲华人体育迷俱乐部2015赛季夏令杯报名 - 1


Australian Chinese Sports Supporters Club is going to hold our annual Summer Soccer League soon. This tournament is aiming at promoting Greater Sydney community soccer. “Healthier And Happier” is our slogan. Come and join us for the fun and excitement, we are waiting for you participation.

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赛事将实行单或双循环制以及总决赛。如果8队或以上一组就单; 如果6队或以下一组就双。要看各组报名。考虑到夏季天气的关系比赛将于每周日下午4点至晚上9点进行。9月27日到12月中上旬结束。具体赛程看球队最后报名结果而定。开幕典礼将于27号星期天早上9点举行。体迷会将提供免费食物和饮料给到场观众和球员。

The competition will be Single or Dual Round Robin and Grand Final. If 8 teams or more it will be single. If 6 teams or less it will be double round robin. Opening ceremony will be held at 9am on 27th September with free drinks and food to all participators. The games will be held from 4pm to 9pm on every Sundays and completed in early December. Based on registration outcome, final schedule will be arranged accordingly.


Games are 9v9, 40 minutes half time and 80 minutes for each game. 5 minutes half-time break. Referees apply. Two groups: All Ages & Over 40 (allow maximum three 35+ players each team). Maximum 8 teams each division group.

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澳洲华人体育迷俱乐部2015赛季夏令杯报名 - 4

比赛将在Seven Hills的Lily’s Football Field-纽省最新最好的人造草场举行。

Venue is Lily’s Football Field at Seven Hills – The best synthetic grass field in NSW.

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Fees: TBA, including player serious injury insurance.


Trophy and medal will be awarded to the first three places for each group. Press Launch and Award Ceremony Gala will be arranged. Tournament news will be updated and published on major media platforms.

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Australian Chinese Sports Supporters Club appreciates your support. We value any form of support including naming rights, please express your interest by contacting on the following.


Michael (邮箱:[email protected], 微信:mikedeng887)

Tony(电话:0450 417 480,微信:+61450417480,邮箱:[email protected])

Danny(电话:0401 019 737)

To register or to direct an enquiry regarding team or sponsorship, please contact

Michael (email: [email protected], WeChat: mikedeng887)

Tony (mobile: 0450 417 480, WeChat: +61450417480, Email: [email protected])

Danny (mobile: 0401 019 737)

作者  责编校对


Australian Chinese Sports Supporters Club

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