【今日澳洲12月11日电】(记者 南北)周二晚,悉尼莱德(Ryde)市政府召开临时市政会议,继续讨论文化遗迹保护区的规划议题。经过近7小时激辩,最终决定将原草案里6个居民区中的2.5个区域,划为文化遗迹保护区,另外3.5个居民区被豁免。
市长Jerome Laxale随后提出新动议,取消之前提案中提及的3.5个保护区,包括华人区Eastwood的两处。他称,之所以愿意妥协,基于部分议员代表居民意愿强烈反对。考虑到近期的民调数据,决定在推行保护区的同时,平衡居民利益。
Ryde市长Jerome Laxale
Trenton Brown和Sarkis Yedelian两位议员先后反对该动议。前者重申对保护文化遗迹的坚定态度,后者则认为2010年曾有类似事情,导致社区分裂。这两位均为自由党议员。
工党议员Bernard Purcell对动议表示支持,称这已经尽可能照顾到各方声音。工党议员Edwina Clifton表示,自己也是文化遗迹保护者。听取多方意见后,认为可通过折中的方式,尽可能让居民满意。
Ryde市文化遗产规划区域覆盖众多民宅 (图片来源:供稿)
副市长周硕在会上演讲,呼吁议员放下政治目的,和他一起努力通过仅有的三种解法来帮助居民:一、改变市长的想法;二、改变Trenton Brown议员的想法;三、通过折中的方式,尽可能的让更多区域被豁免列入议案。
他说,“政府投票是个数字游戏,超过半数票能赢,反之则输。”并指出由市长和Trenton Brown议员牵头的文化遗迹保护动议,“从一开始就已得到超过半数议员的票,可以让这个议案完整通过且绝不会放弃。”
Peter Kim和Chris Moujalli两位议员随后分别提出修改案,要求取消全部6个文化遗迹保护区,但最终均未能获过半数支持而未能通过。
Many of our councillors represent political parties or some action groups, but I am just an individual from the community, I have to be objective, and pick the better solution for our community, without being influenced by any side of politicians.
Local politics is a number’s game, if we get more than 50% of votes, we win, if get less than 50%, we lose, how simple is that! Based on my understanding, the pro-heritage side led by the Mayor and Clr Trenton Brown, has been heavily influenced by the Denistone action group, and collectively already got the winning number, and none of them is willing to give up, neither tonight nor in a few months’ time.
Most of the community, including myself know exactly why some politicians want to defer this vote. They want to make this debate an election issue so they can blame each other for letting our community down, even when they know the community will lose. If the councillors really care about the community, it should be tonight. Councillors, I am telling you now, it is already an election issue, because our people will remember what we did to them today, and they will punish the politicians who hurt them, used them, or pretended to help them.
Have you considered this?
The Mayor’s team care about heritage, councillors like me care about people! However, there some other councillors, their real agenda is not heritage, not community, but taking down the Mayor! Don’t misunderstand me, I challenge the Mayor too, but my motivation is always to push him to make the best decision for the community, but some of our councillors, are pushing the Mayor to make the worst decision, to make sure the community suffer the most, so they can bring down the Mayor and advance their own position.
(Show cartoon sign) I think this picture describes what’s going on here perfectly. A man holding a sign, watering a tree. The sign says, ‘We love trees!’ From a distance, it appears as if this thoughtful individual cares deeply for the needs of a growing tree by pouring life-giving water on it. However, upon closer inspection, we discover that the water is boiling hot.
If you are a true pro-community councillor, if you put aside your own political agenda, you should work with me tonight, there are only 3 ways out: 1. to change the Mayor’s mind, 2. to change Clr Trenton Brown’s mind, or 3. to mitigate the impact by saving as many houses as possible, and as many areas as possible from this unfair heritage proposal, based on the door to door survey.
Deferring this matter is not the solution. In fact, it will cause the community even more suffering.
I’m happy to sacrifice my political career to do what I know is right! How about you councillors? Will you be able to do the same?
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